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Life to the Pixies

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 4:40 pm
by lsinger9404
Man o man...
I know i've said this before...concert of the year! They played everything to be expected...and played it with precision.

I met up with Brian Leyba and we had a blast.

If you weren't missed a night to tell the grandchildren's grandchildren about.

the Pixies were so generous with their set, and they did NOT do the typical band thing of leaving the stage and making everyone beg for them to come back. Instead, they stood on the stage and waved to everyone and pointed and made everyone feel like they were acknowledging them. And this just helped to encourage the audience to clap even more. The roadie was on the stage, meanwhile, tuning the instruments and straightening the cords. With the group standing there...the audience roar got louder. The sound was deafening. Other bands leave the stage...there's loud applause, it dies down, gets a bit louder, dies, gets louder...pregnant pause...gets 1/2 as loud, then the band comes on and it gets back to the intensity. The Pixies don't play that. The applause stays the same volume the WHOLE time.

It was SO triumphant...and they deserve it.

The setlist was what their box set should be!

I'm still on cloud 9.


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:47 pm
by lsinger9404
Oh...a couple more things...

As I was leaving the first show, we passed the herd waiting to get in to the after party with their passes affixed to their person. I looked over, and holy shit! There was Karen O.! I called out "Karen" and she came to the ramp to talk with me. YYY are "working on songs". They'll be touring in December. She was SO SWEET and genuine, aqnd gave me her full attention. I mentioned to her again (I spoke with her at the 103.1 Halloween show) that I had her and Har Mar on my website and that thousands of people had watched it. She shyly said that that was a rare thing that will never happen again! She couldn't believe she did it.

There was some guy waiting while I was talking with her (patiently, as she gave me a lot of time), and after we spoke, he asked if she was Karen O (he had heard me call "Karen!"). My friend later told me "That was the kid from 'A.I.' and 'Sixth Sense'"

I'll be the first to admit...i'm an opportunist. At least, if an opportunity presents itself, i'll explolit it. So why I didn't hand her my card and tell her to keep in touch (yeah..right) and let me know when they'll be playing, or at least have someone take my picture with her with the camera I brought for JUST such an occasion, i'll never know.

Regardless...that was my 3rd non-YYY concert Karen O. spotting/encounter.

Second thing...don't know if you guys know this, but Indie's giving away these REALLY COOL 103.1 poker chip/keyrings


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 6:02 pm
by a KROQ spy!
Very cool story. Next time ask about her boyfriend; he's really cool as well.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:56 am
by assholitis
Good to hear, Larry. Ya know, I was looking all over before and after for street teamers passing out some Indie stuff but couldn't find anyone. I sadly went home empty handed. I'm especially sad now hearing that I missed out on cool poker type keychains. I want one! lol

Yes, the show was awesome. They actually closed with my two favorite songs. There's something about Kim Deal that just sucks you in when you watch her play. Usually I'll just be glued to the lead singer, and Frank Black is no exception, but I kept turning to watch Kim play and sing back up. Her vocals on In Heaven were gorgeous. I definitely enjoyed their standing in front and receiving the applause. Never seen something like that before live. Also never heard that loud or that long of an ovation before at a show.


Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:08 am
by lsinger9404
The people passing out the station crap were in the back of the Wiltern. They have a really rockin' Jonesy's Jukebox van.

Regarding Kim...she just loooks like she's having SO MUCH FUN up there. She's a joy to watch. I saw the Breeders at Spaceland twice, and both times I was directly in front of Kelley's monitor and feet away from about Double the Deal delight! Kelley is having just as much fun as Kim!

Ii'm SO glad they're getting their due! I've just been thinking about it...they are making SUCH bank on this revival. They're selling out EVERY show...the live CDs probably cost a buck to make...their catalog is probably selling in the caseloads to all the people that missed them the first time around (I'm so proud I "knew them when" and had faith in their legenndary status).

My ears are still ringing from thye ovation. I was bragging to everyone who listened to me yesterday...I saw the Pixies!

assholitis wrote:Good to hear, Larry. Ya know, I was looking all over before and after for street teamers passing out some Indie stuff but couldn't find anyone. I sadly went home empty handed. I'm especially sad now hearing that I missed out on cool poker type keychains. I want one! lol

Yes, the show was awesome. They actually closed with my two favorite songs. There's something about Kim Deal that just sucks you in when you watch her play. Usually I'll just be glued to the lead singer, and Frank Black is no exception, but I kept turning to watch Kim play and sing back up. Her vocals on In Heaven were gorgeous. I definitely enjoyed their standing in front and receiving the applause. Never seen something like that before live. Also never heard that loud or that long of an ovation before at a show.
