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Shloemoe need a viable I tell story...

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:49 pm
by The Rizen shloemoe
To he sound of somebody covering "hazy shade of winter"
...oh wait now it's smithereens "wall of sleep"..anyways
you know what emotional impetus I talkin bout...

Shloemoe tell story now....ya know there was a time when
a reckless misguided teenager could get away with ANYTHING!
...OH youth!...when I was 16,ok 15,17,18,19 stealing cars
was not only easy but a whole lotta fun...dont know
what I'm saying!....once while driving an auto not of our own
I saw them flashin lights...not being without skills(driving since 9
dont ya know)I gave em a run fer their $....well not too soon
later a helicopter joined the chase...well being in me own neighborhood
helped, but we soon ducked under a wide braching tree while
we were in both the pilots and the spotter blind side(this was
before all the new fangled electronic trackin stuff)hudled below the windshield
me and my indian crimey(lone ranger and tonto wrot backwards)
we watched all then perdy flashin lights pass us by.....

I wanna say say...not too many people have stories bout evading
helicopters(pretty hard nowadays...and it's hard to call mischeif
these days)...but I tel ya ol shloe once ditched a helicopter in a police away with many other goal is not to brag
nor boar, but to ask...'what do we do with the law breaking youth of today?"

No seriously Im bragging...Hahaaha Helicopter couldn't get ol Shloe

Chime in mother fuckers....god where's Gidge!!!!!!! :twisted:

oh P.S. shloemoe drunk....RE: with yer measured understanding

Peace you fucking bastards!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:26 am
by chriswasanon
Good story worthy of telling.

Before infra red huh and that heat seeking thing that narrators delight in telling us about in all those cheap to make cop shows.

"Police camera, you're nicked!"

"Clever coppers and thick crims."

Twonks getting caught driving insanely fast in twocked motors for your amusement."

Twock=taking without consent.

"The helicopter has a fix on the perp, he'll never get away now, not never ever never so nuh nuh.!"

But you did!!!

Wild youth.


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:55 am
by The Rizen shloemoe
Yea Shloemoe really dumb kid...really dumb....
But in those days they really just slapped ya on
the caught in N.M. with a 79 formula 400
after a 60+ mile chase....blow thru road blocks (weee)
and only got 30 days in Hidalgo County Jail...20 with
good behavior...Im sorry officer...well never do it again :twisted:

Cockroach pieces in all our food though...that was kinda
tough...kinda like popcorn...

They started to El ka-bong me after that


...violent institutions?....suddenly not so funny anymore... :cry:

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:58 pm
by The Rizen shloemoe
OK...I didn't hook many re:'s wit that....
do I have to reach further into "Shloe's
Sortid Satchel of Sick Stories" to get you
zombies to post?..I got some you might
not wanna yourself a favor and
PARTICIPATE in the shack!....I've nothing
better to you?...tell us! I cant
show how WRONG YOU are!!!!! something like that...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 2:20 am
by rotter
get a job...

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:42 am
by The Rizen shloemoe
rotter wrote:get a job...
Huh?...maybe?...but what?....miss all this?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 2:54 am
by rotter
You have too much time on your hands.It must be a good paycheck to watch me all day.